What is The Role of Ayurveda in Our Daily Lives?

Ayurveda has been in use for several centuries by the people for treating various ailments that disturb the entire metabolism of the body. It targets the body’s constitution or the nature (prakriti) and doshas or the life forces that makes a huge impact on physical and mental health of the person. Any form of ayurvedic medicine makes the person recover not only physically but also have mental stability. Every herb has the power to awaken the conscience of the person and unify with the universe. It may be a minor illness or a severe disorder that threatens life. Herbs help in overcoming such difficulties with ease. Unlike the prescription drugs, there is no side effect seen for using natural herbs. It delivers the best results in cleansing the toxins from the body.

Though Ayurveda is the ancient method of treating the diseases, still it falls in the category of the alternative mode of treatment. It is considered to be a nutritional supplement which heals the issues from the root unlike the normal medicines that only suppress symptoms. Due to wear and tear of life, age and genetic background, human body undergoes much type of illnesses. Liver, heart, pancreas, kidney, bones and muscles get damaged due to metabolic wastes or toxins that make the person to suffer from various diseases like blood sugar, cardiovascular diseases, dialysis, piles and joint pain, etc. As the body’s constitution is governed by the doshas which are vata, pitta and kapha. An ayurvedic physician diagnoses the situation of such doshas and offers ayurvedic medicines.

High blood sugar is caused by the excess of kapha and vata doshas and it is the herbs like jamun seeds, karvella beeja, amlaki, neem  and amra beej that helps in controlling metabolism of the body. Different churnas are prepared depending upon the doshas.

Churna which are prepared for controlling vata doshas warms up the body. Pitta churna provides a cooling effect and kapha churna is slightly hot and flavorsome to control the specific illness and balance the constituents of the body.

Depending upon the condition of doshas in the person’s health, ayurvedic tea is prepared.

Vata tea eliminates the vata dosha or controls the vata in excess and calms the nerves of the body and brain. Eases the bowel movement, reduces toxins and removes the digestive disorders. Ingredients that are used in formulation of vata tea are cardamom, ginger, fennel, licorice root and nutmeg.

Turmeric, ginger and cardamom are used in the preparation of Kapha tea and helps in controlling cough congestion, healing digestion, managing blood circulation and detoxifying the body.

Pitta tea is made with the blend of hibiscus flowers, rose petals, chamomile flowers, coriander, cilantro, cardamom, saffron, fennel and peppermint that makes the person reduce heat and inflammation, soothing the nerves, reducing anxiety, trauma and ohter mental issues.

To get relieved from arthritis,gout, hip and muscle cramps,narayana oil is used.One can use on a regular basis on the affected area that would increase the lubrication and add flexibility in the joints.

For healthy hair growth and dandruff free scalp, Brahmi oil brings huge benefits. It helps in eradicating itching, dryness and ending issues of split ends. It uplifts emotional health by reducing stress and anxiety. In fact, it has the ability to improve the brain functions and increase the memory power.

As Ayurveda aims to increase longevity, rasayana therapy as a part of ayurvedic treatment enhances the life span and tones up the entire health system. With life rejuvenating properties, it helps in preserving the youth, improving memory and preventing any disease.

Many people suffer from poor lung functions which are in the form of regular coughing, congestion in the chest, bronchitis, infection in the respiration tract, asthma and lung cancer. A dietary supplement is prepared which helps in reducing coughing, removing the germs and toxins from the lungs and easing the respiratory functions. Such dietary supplement is known as Pushkaramula Rasayana made from the blend of ghee, honey, rice syrup along with essential herbs and spices like tulasi, haritaki, licorice, pippali, shilajit, clove, ajwan, black pepper and turmeric.

Another cold and congestion controlling is Pippali rasayana. It is made from clove, cardamom, ajwan seed, cinnamon bark, cubebs berry, ginger, peppermint and turmeric apart from the blend of ghee, honey and rice syrup.

As many people suffer from the problem of obesity, there are certain herbs that work unbelievably in reducing toxic fats from the body. These herbs are cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and black pepper.

Many men do face issues during the sexual performance and that may be premature ejaculation, poor erection, orgasmic disorder and low sperm count.Such problems can be easily controlled with the help of natural herbs which are Maca, Tribulus, Gingko Biboba, Red Ginseng, fenugreek, Pistachio nuts and Saffron. African Mulondo herb has been used by the tribes of Africa since the ancient period to increase stamina, raises testosterone level and improves the size of the penis. As Mulondo is known for its powerful rejuvenating effects in man’s sexual health, it is very much in demand among Indian men.

Many people suffer from irregular bowel movement, constipation, fissures and hemorrhoids. It may be due to digestive disorders, extreme dryness in the body and diarrhea and difficulty in passing the stool. Kutraj, Nag Keshar, Haritaki, Mochras, Lauh Bhasm are the major herbs that can act in the process of healing the wounds and shrinking of hemorrhoids,

Observing the demand for the ayurvedic products in the recent times for the treatment of various chronic causes, SKinRange has manufactured ayurvedic dietary supplements . These supplements are based on the 5000 year old formulation with herbs of highly rejuvenating effect for healing addiction, blood sugar, sexual problems of men and women, joint pain and hemorrhoids. These dietary supplements will have faster effect on curing any person’s sickness. No side effect is seen.

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