How will Ayurvedic Tablets Reinforce Normal Blood Glucose Metabolism?

It is Ayurveda that has identified the two main types of blood sugar, type 1 and type 2 several centuries ago, both the types of blood sugar happens to be a threat to metabolic activities of the body. In the ayurvedic term, it is known as prameha which is characterized by an increase in weight and rising blood sugar. It is the elevated Pitta or Kapha dosha aggravated by weakened digestive fire that actually let the blood sugar rise. Modern science has diagnosed that the inability of the pancreas to regenerate the beta cells cause sugar levels to rise in the bloodstream. Yet there has not been a permanent solution found to heal blood sugar disease in the field of allopathy. Though, ayurvedic also does not provide any assurance of cure for both the type 1 and type 2 blood sugar. But the herbal medicines do control the high blood sugar to a certain extent and help the person to lead a normal life. Every 600 mg tablet of Ayush 82 diaba treat from SK...